Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Siberian Husky- Wawa

I wanna share some of my pretty Wawa pictures here. She is a 4 and a half months Siberian Husky with grey and white thick fluffy fur.She likes to bite whatever she can get. She's naughty but the good thing is she rarely bark. I pet her almost about 3 months and changed 3 brands of the dog foods. She easily get diarhea and I've no idea what's the best to feed her since ppl advice me not to change her foods that frequently.

I was sending her to obedience class on last Sunday and for every Sunday comin on. She needs to attend 8 classes which will teach her listen to my basic instructions like sit, stand, always walk on my left and so on. She will only qualified and graduate after passing from a test. Frankly speaking that I' m actually kinda worry cause she is too playful, and not concentrating.