Thursday, March 8, 2007


For every love found as many or more have been lost along the way. I know I've had my share as I'm sure most of you have. But I feel that true love never really dies. It may fade but a part of that feeling stays with you forever.But the pain you feel when love fades is very real indeed and surely the strongest emotional pain a person can ever experience. Some people don't survive that pain and many are damaged forever because of a love that didn't last.If you could actually lose love completely there would be no pain. But relationships do end and love itself can lose it's intensity over a period of time.

Some of the poems were written over a love -I only thought I had lost but that returned to me and remains with me even now. It's a scary feeling though, thinking that a love has ended. Almost losing it and finding it again can be an emotional roller coaster.sity over a period of time.

1 comment:

kexiou said...

Umm.. I don't know... I mean... Yea many of us would tend to feel the intense feeling on the spot but time heals. Some would even feel like dying or whatsoever but once gettin over it, you'll find how unreasonable the feeling was. Anyway,love is never reasonable tho.